
             Types of Sharks

1. Angel Shark :
- Flat body like a stingray
- They hide themselves in sand and mud in the daytime and hunts at night.
2. Basket Shark :
- Second largest living fish (about 30 feet long and 8,000 pounds)
- often seen very close inshore

 3.Blacktip Reef Shark :
- About 6 feet long
- With a sleek body and speedy tail
- One of the only sharks that can jump fully out of the water

4. Blue Shark :
- About 12 feet long
- Gets its name from its dark blue upper surface and its bright blue sides.
- Found in very deep waters.
- Among the fastest swimming sharks and can even leap out of the water

5. Bull Shark :
- Third most dangerous to people
- Their aggressive tendencies and ability to migrate up rivers.
- Looks different from most types of sharks, it looks like a bull.

6. Cookiecutter Shark :
- A small shark (less than 2 feet long)
- Also known as the luminous and cigar shark
- One of the most unique sharks around.

7. Goblin Shark :
- As long as a small car - about 12.6 feet (3.85 meters).
- Rare and extremely unusual looking deep sea
- One of the most mysterious of all sharks.

8. Great White Shark :
- Averages 12 feet long and 3,000 pounds.
- The largest predatory fish in the sea.
- It's meat is not recommended for human

9. Hammerhead Shark :
- One of the most famous sharks around.
- Has a wide, thick head with the eyes at the margins
- They have a great sense of smell so they are able to locate food without too much trouble.

10. Mako Shark :
- Fastest swimmer (43 miles per hour)
- Found all over the world.
- Maximum length up to 12.5 feet and may weigh as much as 1,000 pounds

11. Nurse Shark :
- Hunt at night, sleep by day
- Very pleasant bottom dweller with many interesting features.
- Live to around 25 years of age by which time is often over 4 m in length.

12. Sandtiger Shark :
- 10 feet long
- Have more than 3,000 teeth! 
- Only known shark to surface for gulps of air

13. Spiny Dogfish Shark :
- 3 to 4 feet long
- One of the most abundant species of shark in the world
- Used by people for food and research.

14. Thresher Shark :
- Known for its huge tail and non-threatening attitude towards humans.
- Including the 3 species (bigeye thresher, common thresher, and pelagic thresher),
- Swim at high speeds in short bursts and may even leap high out of the water if threatened or provoked from above.

15. Tiger Shark :
- Second most attacks on people
- 10 to 14 feet long and weighs 850 to 1,400 pounds.
- Its tiger-like stripes and its aggressive behavior as a hunter like a tiger.

16. Whale Shark :
- Biggest shark and biggest fish
- It isn't a whale (whales are mammals, not fish)
- They are currently listed as a vulnerable species; however, they continue to be hunted in parts of Asia, such as the Philippines.

17. White Tip Reef Shark :
- About 3 feet long on average though it can be as big as 6 feet.
- a fearless, aggressive shark found in temperate, open oceans around the world.
- hunter of the night, but is relatively harmless to humans.

18. Wobbegong Shark :
- About 8 feet long, but virtually harmless.
- live at the bottom of the ocean.
- Filters food into its mouth with worm-like projections on its head

19. Zebra Shark :
- small, gentle shark that can be kept in an aquarium with other fish
- they don't have gas-filled swim bladders like most other fishes.
- one of the most interesting sea creatures with a very distinguished look like a zebra.


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